As a church we offer many opportunities for prayer where we bring the concerns of ourselves and others to God.
Care and Nurture for those who belong to our community of faith and people in the wider community
“Believing in the Power of Prayer to connect, transform, heal and offer comfort and hope”
Enquiries: Helen 0400 460 770
Every week the newsletter contains prayer points relevant to the week ahead, ranging from world events and community concerns to activities of the congregation. The prayer points are prepared by two people meeting together once a month (or occasionally through emails, when a meeting is difficult) and sending the points to the newsletter.
Enquiries: Cathie 0412 076 934 or Barbara 0439 002 392
Prayer support for the world, the wider community and our church ‘family.’
Meets in the church hall on 3rd Saturday of the month at 8am.
Enquiries – Cathie 0412 076 934 or Owen 04721 161 481
Stop, Listen, Pray provides an opportunity to be quiet, to pray for yourself and others. Helpful material is provided for your use if needed.
Enquiries – Helen: 0400 460 770
General Enquires on any of these activities: Barbara