Beginning in 2004, the Branch Op Shop has grown in its premises and outreach to others.
By recycling clothing and other goods, the Op Shop is able to assist those in need; indeed, sometimes in desperate circumstances.
Donations of clothing; personal effects, jewellery, small electrical appliances; tools; some furniture; books and other odds and ends are welcome – please phone and arrange a suitable time to drop them in.
Proceeds from sales go to supporting local, national and community activities such as:
ENQUIRIES: 02 4973 5967
Many thanks for your support in donating and purchasing.
Normal opening hours
Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays – 9:00 am to 2:30 pm
Should you have any urgent requirements, or wish to donate goods, please phone – Phill m: 02 4973 5967.
On-Line Sales continuing – Please check our Facebook Page @BranchOpCentre
Please do not leave any items outside the Op Centre – DUMPING IS NOT DONATING – it is also illegal!!!